lceth allowlist allow [flags]
-a, --account strings Accounts to be allowed
--from address Optional account used to sign the transaction.
Expects an 0x prefixed Ethereum address (default 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
-n, --nonce bigInt Optional nonce to use for the transaction, if not set then use pending nonce.
Expects either a decimal or an hex encoded value with 0x prefix
-v, --value bigInt Optional funds to transfer along the transaction in Wei, if not set then no funds are transferred
Expects either a decimal or an hex encoded value with 0x prefix (default 0x0)
-p, --gas-price bigInt Optional gas price to use for the transaction execution in Wei. If not set then uses gas price oracle
Expects either a decimal or an hex encoded value with 0x prefix
-f, --gas-fee-cap bigInt Optional gas fee cap to use for the EIP-1559 transaction execution in Wei. If not set then uses gas price oracle
Expects either a decimal or an hex encoded value with 0x prefix
-t, --gas-tip-cap bigInt Optional gas priority tip fee cap to use for the EIP-1559 transaction execution in Wei. If not set then uses gas price oracle
Expects either a decimal or an hex encoded value with 0x prefix
-l, --gas-limit uint Optional gas limit to set for the transaction execution. If not set then estimate gas
Expects either a decimal or an hex encoded value with 0x prefix
--send If set then performs all transaction steps and send the transaction to the network
--no-sign If set then performs all transaction steps and stop before signing the transaction
-h, --help help for allow
--allowlist-addr string Address of the Allowlist contract [env: ALLOWLIST_ADDR]
--beacon-deployment-block string deployment block beacon deposit contract [env: BEACON_DEPLOYMENT_BLOCK]
--beacon-deposit-addr string Address of the Beacon Deposit contract [env: BEACON_DEPOSIT_ADDR]
--deployment-block uint Deployment block of the contracts [env: DEPLOYMENT_BLOCK]
--el-fee-recipient-addr string Address of the Execution Layer fee recipient contract [env: EL_FEE_RECIPIENT_ADDR]
--eth-el-addr string JSON-RPC address of the Ethereum execution layer node to connect to [env: ETH_EL_ADDR]
--healthz-addr string healthz entrypoint address:port [env: HEALTHZ_ADDR] (default ":8081")
--keystore-password string Password used to encrypt key files [env: KEYSTORE_PASSWORD]
--keystore-path string Directory where to store keys [env: KEYSTORE_PATH]
--kms-key-id string KMS key ID used to sign and submit transactions [env: KMS_KEY_ID]
--log-format string Log output format (text or json) [env: LOG_FORMAT] (default "text")
--log-level string Log output level [env: LOG_LEVEL] (default "info")
--operators-registry-addr string Address of the Operators Registry contract [env: OPERATORS_REGISTRY_ADDR]
--oracle-addr string Address of the Oracle contract [env: ORACLE_ADDR]
--redeem-manager-addr string Address of the RedeemManager contract [env: REDEEM_MANAGER_ADDR]
--river-addr string Address of the River contract [env: RIVER_ADDR]
--server-addr string Server entrypoint address:port [env: SERVER_ADDR] (default ":8080")
--tlc-addr string Address of the TLC contract [env: TLC_ADDR]
--withdraw-addr string Address of the Withdraw contract [env: WITHDRAW_ADDR]
--wls-eth-addr string Address of the WlsEth contract [env: WLSETH_ADDR]
lceth allowlist - Methods to operate on Allowlist contract
lceth allowlist remove [flags]
-a, --account strings Accounts to be allowed
--from address Optional account used to sign the transaction.
Expects an 0x prefixed Ethereum address (default 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
-n, --nonce bigInt Optional nonce to use for the transaction, if not set then use pending nonce.
Expects either a decimal or an hex encoded value with 0x prefix
-v, --value bigInt Optional funds to transfer along the transaction in Wei, if not set then no funds are transferred
Expects either a decimal or an hex encoded value with 0x prefix (default 0x0)
-p, --gas-price bigInt Optional gas price to use for the transaction execution in Wei. If not set then uses gas price oracle
Expects either a decimal or an hex encoded value with 0x prefix
-f, --gas-fee-cap bigInt Optional gas fee cap to use for the EIP-1559 transaction execution in Wei. If not set then uses gas price oracle
Expects either a decimal or an hex encoded value with 0x prefix
-t, --gas-tip-cap bigInt Optional gas priority tip fee cap to use for the EIP-1559 transaction execution in Wei. If not set then uses gas price oracle
Expects either a decimal or an hex encoded value with 0x prefix
-l, --gas-limit uint Optional gas limit to set for the transaction execution. If not set then estimate gas
Expects either a decimal or an hex encoded value with 0x prefix
--send If set then performs all transaction steps and send the transaction to the network
--no-sign If set then performs all transaction steps and stop before signing the transaction
-h, --help help for remove
--allowlist-addr string Address of the Allowlist contract [env: ALLOWLIST_ADDR]
--beacon-deployment-block string deployment block beacon deposit contract [env: BEACON_DEPLOYMENT_BLOCK]
--beacon-deposit-addr string Address of the Beacon Deposit contract [env: BEACON_DEPOSIT_ADDR]
--deployment-block uint Deployment block of the contracts [env: DEPLOYMENT_BLOCK]
--el-fee-recipient-addr string Address of the Execution Layer fee recipient contract [env: EL_FEE_RECIPIENT_ADDR]
--eth-el-addr string JSON-RPC address of the Ethereum execution layer node to connect to [env: ETH_EL_ADDR]
--healthz-addr string healthz entrypoint address:port [env: HEALTHZ_ADDR] (default ":8081")
--keystore-password string Password used to encrypt key files [env: KEYSTORE_PASSWORD]
--keystore-path string Directory where to store keys [env: KEYSTORE_PATH]
--kms-key-id string KMS key ID used to sign and submit transactions [env: KMS_KEY_ID]
--log-format string Log output format (text or json) [env: LOG_FORMAT] (default "text")
--log-level string Log output level [env: LOG_LEVEL] (default "info")
--operators-registry-addr string Address of the Operators Registry contract [env: OPERATORS_REGISTRY_ADDR]
--oracle-addr string Address of the Oracle contract [env: ORACLE_ADDR]
--redeem-manager-addr string Address of the RedeemManager contract [env: REDEEM_MANAGER_ADDR]
--river-addr string Address of the River contract [env: RIVER_ADDR]
--server-addr string Server entrypoint address:port [env: SERVER_ADDR] (default ":8080")
--tlc-addr string Address of the TLC contract [env: TLC_ADDR]
--withdraw-addr string Address of the Withdraw contract [env: WITHDRAW_ADDR]
--wls-eth-addr string Address of the WlsEth contract [env: WLSETH_ADDR]
lceth allowlist - Methods to operate on Allowlist contract
-h, --help help for allowlist
--allowlist-addr string Address of the Allowlist contract [env: ALLOWLIST_ADDR]
--beacon-deployment-block string deployment block beacon deposit contract [env: BEACON_DEPLOYMENT_BLOCK]
--beacon-deposit-addr string Address of the Beacon Deposit contract [env: BEACON_DEPOSIT_ADDR]
--deployment-block uint Deployment block of the contracts [env: DEPLOYMENT_BLOCK]
--el-fee-recipient-addr string Address of the Execution Layer fee recipient contract [env: EL_FEE_RECIPIENT_ADDR]
--eth-el-addr string JSON-RPC address of the Ethereum execution layer node to connect to [env: ETH_EL_ADDR]
--healthz-addr string healthz entrypoint address:port [env: HEALTHZ_ADDR] (default ":8081")
--keystore-password string Password used to encrypt key files [env: KEYSTORE_PASSWORD]
--keystore-path string Directory where to store keys [env: KEYSTORE_PATH]
--kms-key-id string KMS key ID used to sign and submit transactions [env: KMS_KEY_ID]
--log-format string Log output format (text or json) [env: LOG_FORMAT] (default "text")
--log-level string Log output level [env: LOG_LEVEL] (default "info")
--operators-registry-addr string Address of the Operators Registry contract [env: OPERATORS_REGISTRY_ADDR]
--oracle-addr string Address of the Oracle contract [env: ORACLE_ADDR]
--redeem-manager-addr string Address of the RedeemManager contract [env: REDEEM_MANAGER_ADDR]
--river-addr string Address of the River contract [env: RIVER_ADDR]
--server-addr string Server entrypoint address:port [env: SERVER_ADDR] (default ":8080")
--tlc-addr string Address of the TLC contract [env: TLC_ADDR]
--withdraw-addr string Address of the Withdraw contract [env: WITHDRAW_ADDR]
--wls-eth-addr string Address of the WlsEth contract [env: WLSETH_ADDR]
lceth - Methods to operate on Liquid Collective protocol
lceth allowlist allower - Print the Ethereum address authorised to set allowlist permissions
lceth allowlist allow - Transact to add accounts to allowlist (enabling to deposit and withdraw)
lceth allowlist deny - Transact to deny accounts (disabling all operations including)
lceth allowlist is-allowed - Prints wether an account is allowed
lceth allowlist remove - Transact to remove accounts from allowlist (disabling deposit and withdraw but transfer remains possible)
lceth allowlist is-allowed [flags]
--address address Account's address (default 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
-b, --block blockNumber Optional the block number on which the call should be performed (default latest)
--from address Optional call's sender address in hex format with 0x prefix (default 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
-h, --help help for is-allowed
--op string Operation (default "deposit")
--pending Optional whether to operate on the pending state or the last known one
--allowlist-addr string Address of the Allowlist contract [env: ALLOWLIST_ADDR]
--beacon-deployment-block string deployment block beacon deposit contract [env: BEACON_DEPLOYMENT_BLOCK]
--beacon-deposit-addr string Address of the Beacon Deposit contract [env: BEACON_DEPOSIT_ADDR]
--deployment-block uint Deployment block of the contracts [env: DEPLOYMENT_BLOCK]
--el-fee-recipient-addr string Address of the Execution Layer fee recipient contract [env: EL_FEE_RECIPIENT_ADDR]
--eth-el-addr string JSON-RPC address of the Ethereum execution layer node to connect to [env: ETH_EL_ADDR]
--healthz-addr string healthz entrypoint address:port [env: HEALTHZ_ADDR] (default ":8081")
--keystore-password string Password used to encrypt key files [env: KEYSTORE_PASSWORD]
--keystore-path string Directory where to store keys [env: KEYSTORE_PATH]
--kms-key-id string KMS key ID used to sign and submit transactions [env: KMS_KEY_ID]
--log-format string Log output format (text or json) [env: LOG_FORMAT] (default "text")
--log-level string Log output level [env: LOG_LEVEL] (default "info")
--operators-registry-addr string Address of the Operators Registry contract [env: OPERATORS_REGISTRY_ADDR]
--oracle-addr string Address of the Oracle contract [env: ORACLE_ADDR]
--redeem-manager-addr string Address of the RedeemManager contract [env: REDEEM_MANAGER_ADDR]
--river-addr string Address of the River contract [env: RIVER_ADDR]
--server-addr string Server entrypoint address:port [env: SERVER_ADDR] (default ":8080")
--tlc-addr string Address of the TLC contract [env: TLC_ADDR]
--withdraw-addr string Address of the Withdraw contract [env: WITHDRAW_ADDR]
--wls-eth-addr string Address of the WlsEth contract [env: WLSETH_ADDR]
lceth allowlist - Methods to operate on Allowlist contract